
The Plastic Age

The Wasted Gems Cutlery

La Pandilla

La Fontaine à la Nymphe


Reliques of the Plasticene

A life in the Plasticene

The Plastic Age

Poetic Pollution

Urban Vases

The Plastic Age

As a new irrevocable proof of human impact on Earth’s geology, scientists discovered that plastic has now entered the fossil record. Some scientists suggest the plastic layers could be used to mark the start of the Anthropocene, Earth’s most recent geologic period defined as human-impacted. After the stone, bronze and iron ages, the current period may become known as the plastic age. Inspired by the discovery of plastiglomerates, stones that contain mixtures of sediments and other natural debris held together by hardened molten plastic, This project imagines what the future mineralogy of the earth could look like.

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