
La Pandilla

The Wasted Gems Cutlery

La Pandilla

La Fontaine à la Nymphe


Reliques of the Plasticene

A life in the Plasticene

The Plastic Age

Poetic Pollution

Urban Vases

La Pandilla

During an artistic residency in Ibiza with Collectif Polymer, Coline Le Quenven used waste plastic collected on the shores to create luxurious cases, boxes, cups and other precious objects. The collection takes inspiritation in the myths of Es Vedra, a magnetic and mystical rock of the south coast of Ibiza, whose legends say that it would be the rock where Ulysses faced the three mermaids Peisinoe, Aglaope and Thelxiepeia. Inspired by the numerous inherited crafts of the different civilizations that Ibiza has seen parade over the centuries, the artist has integrated in these objects decorative elements from Phoenician, Andalusian and Carthaginian artifacts. There are amalgams of melted waste, plastic fragments, broken glasses and shells and they are assembled thanks to a biodegradable polymer worked with a 3D pen. These objects intermingling natural materials and polluting materials remind us of the plasticization of the oceans and the urgency of protecting them.


Thank you to Polymer, Prudence Dudan, Sophie and the staff of La Pandilla.

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