
A life in the Plasticene

The Wasted Gems Cutlery

La Pandilla

La Fontaine à la Nymphe


Reliques of the Plasticene

A life in the Plasticene

The Plastic Age

Poetic Pollution

Urban Vases

A life in the Plasticene

This is Le Quenven’s master’s research project premises. It explores the possible applications and techniques for ocean plastic pollution and household plastic waste. It is a experimental ensemble of survival tools and functional objects such as brushes, combs, cups, vases, and even an electric lamp that imagines how humans could take ownership of their waste and use it to their advantage. The investigation focuses on the aesthetic potential of these waste materials, exploring colours, textures and finishes. Other waste materials such as broken glass, metal and ceramics are included.
This is Le Quenven’s first introduction of extruded PLA into her work, using a 3D-printing pen, allowing her to bind and border the melted plastic.

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